Our Available
Quality Spindles!
In our Catalog, you will find pictures and descriptions of samples of our work. Please remember that each piece is individually made, and thus no two will be identical. If you see something you like, contact us via e-mail or telephone to see if that particular one is available; if not, we will make one for you in the same style and woods. If you don't see what you are looking for, send us an e-mail with details on what you are looking for, and we will work together to build your spindle.
How to Order
All of our spindles, Nostes, Akhas, and Bottom Whorls are individually handmade. Because of this, we cannot guarantee that the exact item you see on our website is available. For that reason, we do not have an online ordering system. If you see anything that sparks your interest, send us an e-mail, and we can tell you if it’s available. If it’s not, we can probably come pretty close to a duplicate; it will depend on material availability.
If you don't see what you are looking for, drop us a line with details of what you want, a sketch may also be useful if you want something particularly unusual. Once we have had a chance to talk, I can quote you a price.
If you see something you like, all you need to do is send us an email with:
- The item number of the piece you liked
- Your contact information
If you don't see anything in particular that strikes your fancy, drop us an email with:
- Your contact information
- The type of item you want (spindle, noste, etc.)
- The general dimensions and finish you want
- The type(s) of wood you want
- A sketch of what you are looking for if it’s particularly complex
We strive to match your needs as closely as humanly possible; if you are unhappy with your purchase, we both lose.